Welcome to the ANU Medical School MChD Curriculum Map

This site is designed to function as an interactive learning outcome map for the Doctor and Medicine and Surgery at the ANU.

The program has four Themes: Medical Sciences (MS), Clinical Skills (CS), Professionalism and Leadership (PAL) and Population Health (PH); and four Frameworks: Indigenous Health, Social Foundations of Medicine (SFM), Rural Medicine, and Research.

How to use

To navigate the MChD Curriculum Map, use the drop-down menus in the sidebar to reach learning outcomes at the Program, Course, Block or Instructional Objectives level for each Year. This site only uses learning outcomes provided by the ANU Medical School in approved documentation for the MChD program.

Click on each learning outcome to access a dedicated page containing all relevant mapping for that outcome.

Mapping is provided as a list of ‘Related Outcomes’- learning outcomes from the levels above and/or below which contain related content. Links and titles coloured red indicate that this outcome does not map to outcomes above and/or below. 

The MChD Curriculum Map uses a numbering system to provide a unique identifier for each learning outcome, in order to aid both navigation and mapping. The MChD Curriculum Map is the only resource where these are identifiers are currently used.

Click here to learn about the Curriculum Map numbering system.

Note: This site is in-progress and does not currently contain all learning outcomes for the MChD. For more complete lists, please refer to Wattle.

Learning Outcome Level Definitions

Level 1: Overarching Program Outcomes

Level 2: Course Level Outcomes

Level 3: Block Level Outcomes

  • Assessment and teaching activities, blueprinting of assessment programmes, and student feedback for assessment are aligned to this level. (AMC Comprehensive Report 2019)

Level 4: Instructional Objectives

  • Instructional Objectives describe the objectives of a teaching and learning session, are highly specific and are intended to help students understand the relative importance and relationship of the taught materials to the assessed outcomes. Instructional Objectives have been developed for all aspects of the curriculum, including lectures and practical sessions, as well as PBL problems, PAL and PH tutorials. (AMC Comprehensive Report 2019)
  • Describe the learning objectives for each teaching and learning activity (Wattle)